All Types of Facebook Audiences

All Types of Facebook Audiences

One of the world’s largest social networks, Facebook has an extensive user base with a wide variety of interests, demographics, and behaviours. By targeting these diverse audiences, digital marketers can improve their return on investment, increase brand awareness, and increase sales. A marketing campaign can be optimized by using different types of Facebook Audience Lists in this article.

Why is it important to know what your Facebook audience is like?

As the most-used social media platform with over 2.96 billion active users, Facebook remains the third most-visited website in the world. Analyzing Facebook audience insights and analytics tools will help you effectively reach your Best Facebook Audiences on the social network. 


Your current audience profiles can be refined and aggregated with these insights to validate assumptions about your audience, conduct more targeted a/b tests, refine your current audience profiles, and create more targeted a/b tests. You must define your target audience and learn how they utilize Facebook so that you can:

  1. Make the most of your advertising budget.
  2. Assess whether your brand should place a high priority on the platform.
  3. Communicate with your audience in a way that resonates with them.
  4. Make your posting strategy as effective as possible.
  5. What Facebook audience insights are available

The audiences of your business profile can be discovered in two ways on Facebook. There are several types of organic audience data you can see, including:

  • Gender and location breakdown of your page’s fans
  • Total number of followers
  • Engagement metrics and reach
  • You can access this data in Meta Business Suite on the Professional dashboard or the Facebook Audience Manager

Types of Facebook Audiences

Core Audiences

Facebook offers many types of audience targeting, but its most basic type is its Core Audiences. Adverts can select their ideal audiences based on various demographic factors, including age, gender, location, language, interests, behaviours, and more. It is possible for advertisers to create their own core audiences or to use Facebook’s prebuilt audience segments to target specific interests and behaviours.

For example, selling luxury brands and skincare may be a good target market for women aged 25-45. You can ensure that your ads are shown to people who will be most interested in your product by creating an audience with these characteristics.


Custom Audiences

Advertisers can target people who have already interacted with their business, such as current customers and website visitors, by using Custom Audiences. A Custom Audience can be created by uploading a list of customer email addresses or phone numbers or by tracking website visitors and retargeting them.

In an e-commerce store, for example, if you want to target people who abandoned their shopping carts, you can create a Custom Audience using the email addresses of those who added items to their cart but did not complete the purchase. You can entice them to go back to your site and complete the purchase by showing them an ad offering a special discount or reminding them of their abandoned items.

Lookalike Audiences

Ads targeting Lookalike Audiences allow advertisers to target new people who are similar to existing customers or website visitors. By using machine learning algorithms, Facebook analyzes the characteristics of a Custom Audience and finds people with similar interests, behaviours, and demographics. In addition to Facebook Custom Audiences and specific conversion events, Lookalike Audiences can also be created.

Creating Facebook Lookalike Audiences can help you find customers who are similar to your loyal customers who have made multiple purchases on your website. The more you target this new audience with your ads, the more likely you are to increase your revenue and increase your customer base.

Retargeting Audiences

A Retargeting Audience allows advertisers to target people who have visited their website but haven’t converted yet after engaging with their ads. People can be retargeted after adding items to their carts, viewing a product page, or taking a specific action on the website. If you remember their previous interest and offer them a special deal, you can persuade them to proceed with your business.

A discount ad or a limited-time offer can be shown to someone who has viewed a product on your website but hasn’t added it to their cart yet. In order to get them to take action and purchase, you will need to create a sense of urgency.

Engagement Audiences

 The Engagement Audiences allows advertisers to target Facebook users who have previously liked posts, commented, or shared them. You can create Engagement Audiences from various interactions, including page likes, event responses, video views, etc. Your chances of converting and boosting engagement will increase if you target people who are already interested in your brand.

A Facebook engagement audience can be used to target users who have liked or commented on your brand’s posts on your Facebook page. This audience can be used for advertising new products, limited-time offers, or upcoming events. This group of users has already shown interest in your brand, making them more likely to engage with your ads.

Behaviours Audiences

Ads can be targeted based on behavioural attributes such as purchase history, device usage, travel patterns, and more, using Behavioral Audiences. Third-party data vendor provides information about consumers’ behaviours and interests outside of Facebook, such as Acxiom, Epsilon, and Datalogix.

You can create a Behavioral Audience based on travel patterns if you run a travel agency and wish to target people who have recently travelled abroad. Travel packages, hotesls, and other related services can be promoted by targeting these users with your Types Of Audience In Facebook Ads.

Facebook Page Fans

Adversaries can target people who like their Facebook Pages by using their Facebook Page Fans. Ads targeting these users are more likely to be engaged since they have already shown an interest in the brand. This audience is an ideal target for advertisers who want to promote new products, events, or special offers to their loyal fans.

You can target your Facebook ads to your customers if you run a restaurant and have a Facebook Page with many followers. You can promote new menu items, seasonal dishes, and special events through your ads. Using this audience it is possible to use this audience to reach out to existing customers and encourage them to dine at your restaurant again.

Choosing the right Facebook audience for your advertising campaign is easier when you work with a marketing and branding firm like iOceane. With iOceane, businesses can identify their ideal customers, analyze their target markets, and create custom audiences tailored to their business goals. A business can improve ad performance, increase ROI, and grow by leveraging iOceane’s expertise in Facebook advertising to reach the right people, at the right time, with the right message. 

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