Facebook Ads Structure Everyone should know

Facebook Ads Structure Everyone should know

Businesses, organizations, or individuals can place Facebook ads structure in 2023 on the social media platform to promote their products, services, or content. In Facebook stories, newsfeeds, or other parts of the platform, ads typically appear as sponsored posts, videos, or images.

(Source: https://marketoonist.com/2020/07/facebookboycott.html)

How Do Facebook Ads Work

It is now possible to purchase Facebook ads in several varieties. Promotions can be made to your Facebook Page, posts on your Facebook Page, actions users took or to your website. Even though Facebook is increasingly focusing on native Facebook Ads For E-commerce and keeping visitors on its website, you can still succeed in delivering traffic to your site.

Aside from images, videos, carousels (multiple images), and Instant Experiences, different ad formats are available. Advertisements on Facebook are targeted to specific users based on their location, demographics, and profiles. Facebook is the only place where many of these options are available. The first step in creating an ad is to set a budget and decide how much you want to bid for each click or thousand impressions of your ad.

Creating Engaging Ads for Facebook’s Active Audience

The first step for making your Facebook ad is to create a Facebook business account. A Facebook ad can be created using Ads Manager, where they can select the ad format, target audience, budget, bidding strategy, and creative content to fit your Facebook ads campaign structure. Advertisers can track the performance of their Facebook ad copy structure on Facebook and make adjustments to optimize them. Facebook ads can be run on desktops and mobile devices.

Kinds of Facebook Ads


A campaign is the top level of the Facebook ads campaign structure. It is where you set your ads’ objective, budget, and schedule. You can create multiple campaigns for different marketing goals.

Pros Cons
Allows you to set a specific objective for your advertising campaign. Optimizing campaigns without making changes at the ad set and ad levels can be difficult.
You can set a budget and schedule that suits your needs and goals. Can be less efficient for testing and optimization.
Offers a high-level overview of your advertising strategy for easier campaign tracking. Doesn’t allow you to control the targeting or creative assets at a more granular level.

Ad Sets

This is a group of ads with the same budget, schedule, and targeting options. You can create multiple ad sets within a campaign to target different audiences.

Pros Cons
Provides more specific targeting options to help you reach your desired audience. Can be time-consuming to create and manage multiple ad sets.
Enables you to test different ad sets with different targeting options and budgets to see what works best. Can be inefficient if the ad sets have similar targeting or creative assets.
Allows you to control the budget and schedule for a specific set of ads.


Facebook offers a wide range of targeting options to help you reach your desired audience, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and location.

Pros Cons
Allows you to reach a specific audience with a higher likelihood of engagement and conversion. Can limit your ad reach if your targeting is too narrow or specific.
Provides a way to create custom audiences using your data, such as customer lists or website visitors. Finding the right targeting options that work for your specific audience can be challenging.
Offers various targeting options, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and location.


Bidding is the process of setting the maximum amount you need to pay for each ad impression or click. Facebook offers several bidding options, including Cost per click (CPC), Cost per impression (CPM), and Cost per action (CPA).

Pros Cons
Enables you to control the cost of your ads and allocate your budget effectively. Can be difficult to optimize your bids for better performance.
Provides a range of bidding options to suit your goals, such as maximizing clicks, impressions, or conversions. Can be costly if you set your bids too high or target competitive audiences.
Offers an auction-based system that allows for fair competition between advertisers.

Ad Formats

Facebook offers various ad formats to suit different advertising goals and creative needs. Some common ad formats include image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and collection ads.

Pros Cons
Offers a range of ad formats to suit different advertising goals and creative needs. Creating effective ad formats that resonate with your target audience can be challenging.
Provides a way to showcase your brand and products in various ways, such as with video, images, or interactive content. Some ad formats may be more expensive than others.
Can increase engagement and click-through rates by providing more immersive and interactive experiences. Some ad formats might be unsuitable for all types of businesses or products.

Dynamic Ads

Getting people interested in your products is one of your challenges as an online retailer. It may be a good idea to show them products that are relevant to them once you have found them.

You can reach people who have shown interest in your products (or products similar to yours) even if they have not yet visited your website through broad audience targeting. Your catalog automatically displays to people likely to be interested in your products if you target a broad audience.

Pros Cons
You don’t need to configure ads for each item in your inventory to scale your campaigns. Dynamic Ads limit creative control, resulting in visually unappealing ads that fail to convey a brand’s message.
A dynamic ads campaign can be set up once for continuous reach and delivery of relevant ads at the right time. Over-reliance on user data may increase relevance but risks compromising privacy and turning off some users.
Bringing ads to people across devices, no matter what device they use. Dynamic Ads may cause ad fatigue when users repeatedly see the same products/content, leading to decreased engagement.
Display relevant ads; Facebook will identify and display products most likely to interest a person. Failure to update product catalogs or adjust targeting strategies exacerbates ad fatigue and reduces ad effectiveness.

Tips On Building Effective Facebook Ads

Improve Target Audience

Craft hyper-targeted campaigns by layering audiences and running retargeting ads to boost conversions and revenue quickly.

Analyze Performance by Platform, Placement & Device

Compare your ads by performance by navigating through the ‘Breakdown’ tab in your Facebook ads manager and choosing the right option: ‘platform,’ ‘placement,’ and ‘device.’

Use Custom Audiences

One of Facebook’s Ads best features is ‘Custom Audiences. Use this to segment your customers based on their browsing activity or content engagement.

Use Dynamic Creatives

The ‘Dynamic Creatives’ feature to test various assets – CTAs, creatives, copy – to see what resonates with different audiences.

Target Lookalike Audiences

Ad fatigue is when your audience gets bored with seeing the same ads repeatedly. Avoid this by refreshing your creatives and ads to keep costs down.

Run Remarketing Campaigns

Use static and dynamic remarketing options that Facebook offers to build effective remarketing campaigns.

Digital advertising success depends on understanding Facebook ads structure and following Key Facebook Advertising Trends. Facebook offers a wide array of ad types and placements, making it difficult for businesses to navigate them alone. Digital branding and advertising are what we specialize in at iOceane.

We craft Facebook advertising strategies tailored to your business’s unique goals and target audience to make it simple for you to take advantage of Facebook advertising. Schedule a consultation with us now. iOceane can optimize your Facebook advertising so that it has maximum impact.

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